Saturday 16 November 2013

WHAT YOU WILL DO WHEN YOUR PHONE FALL INSIDE WATER. This has been a large answer to persons who mistakenly go under their mobile phone in water by error, and due to need of information they might not understand what strategy to request in other to save their phones life Today i will educate you how to save your water-drowned cell telephone with the help of RICE. Yes you heard me right, i said Rice. Some will inquire me where is the stew and sauce for the meal?? Ooops That’s not what i signify. I will show you how to dry up your water – drowned cell telephone with the help of uncooked rice. I’m sure you will be astonished at what you are about to discover right now. This method i’m about teaching you has been scientifically verified by top scientists and Engineers as well. HOW CAN I SAVE THE LIFE OF A WATER-DROWNED CELL TELEPHONE? Once your telephone falls into water, Don’t mind how long it has resided on water, Just bring it out and disconnect the electric electric battery from the telephone. Get a little amount of rice that can cover the whole of the electric battery and other fragile and perceptive part of the drowned cell, then put the electric battery and the phone constituents (panel) etc.. into the rice and depart it for entire 12 hours or more, counting on how long it resided on water. NOTE; The longer the stay in water the longer the stay in rice. This will double-check your cell telephone dry’s up and has no damage on it, after 12 hours drag your phone out of the Rice and permit it some minutes of fresh air, in which after that you can insert it back to your phone and relish your phone in a good and wholesome state. HANDICAP This could poison the rice, as the drained water from the electric electric battery might contain acidic substances which is dangerous to life. PRECAUTION double-check you don’t eat the rice utilized in drowning your watery electric battery after drainage. Don’t overlook to let us understand how you felt reading this item, Use the commentary box below to assist and state your thoughts. HOPE IT REALLY HELPFUL

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