Tuesday 26 November 2013

DON'T QUIT!!!== Every morning a gazelle awakens knowing that it must outrun the fastest lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning a lion wakes up knowing that it must run faster than the fastest gazelle or it will starve to death. It makes no difference whether you are a lion or a gazelle; what is important is when the sun comes up you had better be running! The moment you give up, you bring about your own end. Every success story- whether family story, career story and project achievement story etc is also a story of a great failure and flaw. The only difference is that the successful people never gave up. Instead, they bounced with much more energy and enthusiasm every time they failed and encountered difficulties. Are you born in the cradle of poverty? Never give up! Remember that after every night comes the dawn, and after winter comes spring. Perhaps your prosperity may be only a kilometer away! Are you broken down at the loss of someone in your life? Never give up! Life spent with someone for a lifetime maybe meaningless, but a few moments spent with someone who really loves and cares for you mean more than life itself. Are you constrained by your physical deformity? Never give up! Life is a matter of perception; either you complain because roses have thorns or rejoice because thorns have roses! Are you too aged to accomplish anything great? Never give up! Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it does not matter. Are you disappointed with repeated failures? Never give up! Full stop is not a real end because you can form a sentence after that. Similarly, failure is not the real end; it can be made the real beginning of success! Are you ridiculed by others while attempting something? Never give up! You have not come into the world to live up to the expectations of others. Have you lost faith in God? Never give up! You know what is good for you, but God knows what is best for you! If He asks you to put something down, it is because He wants you to pick up something better! Are you faced with myriad difficulties? Never give up! An arrow goes forward only if it pulled backward and a bullet goes forward only if the trigger is pressed backward. You can be successful only if you face the difficulties on your path. Are you rejected and looked down upon by others? Never give up! As you sail through life, just let rejections pass. Sail on! Because calm seas will never make skilled sailors! Are you squashed in intense hardships? Never give up! A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. So imagine how brilliant you can be by withstanding the pressures of life. Everyone would have every success he/she ever wanted if there were no obstacles. Your challenge is to be persistent and work through those obstacle. I fully agree with the words of the late great American President Calvin Coolidge, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more uncommon than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” In life, so many of us pass through many lives adversities. It doesn’t really matter the particular type of adversity, they are all the same. They all affects us in the same manner. The purpose of writing this moral book is for us to have a guide as we pass through the different steps and stages in life. This book is written to serve as a tool of encouragement to so many of us who have, have not, and is still to pass through the different lives strategic hits Each of the stories here always has something significant to teach us. Let’s learn from them. The word GIVE UP itself has so much of poison and lethargy that it has killed many positive drives, dreams and ambitions of several people. Therefore, the watchword of life must be “NEVER GIVE UP!” Dare wildly, act courageously, and live the life you desire! Don’t give up before the miracle happens!

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