Saturday 16 November 2013

Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend I wish I were a octopus so that I would have more arms to hold you If my days started with a kiss from you then I would never drink coffee If I were asked to describe the color you represent, then I would have to go with rainbow because you are beautiful, magical and being with is like finding a treasure I am woeful without you and awesome when I am with you If I could I would hold you in my arms for all eternity so that I never have to sleep alone When I look at you I know how birds feel as they soar in the sky; you make me feel high I am going to request the all powers in the language world to have the letter x removed as I never want to be your ex I never feel the need to watch the sun rise as seeing you smile feels more beautiful and brighter than any sunrise Now that I have met you I wish we could become immortal so that we can be together for all eternity If there were something such as an academy award for being the cutest couple, then I am sure we would get it If somebody asked me to describe perfect happiness then I would have to say every minute I spend with you! You are cute as a rabbit, as chirpy as a lovebird, as cuddly as a kitten, as pretty as a peacock and simply so wonderful. I wish you I could simply shrink you to pocket size so that you could always be with me If loving somebody too much is a crime then I am guilty and wish to be sentenced to a lifetime of you For you my love, I would give up anything but my life as that would mean you would have to cry. Nobody has seen the stars close up but even I could I would not want to… why should I, when I have you? I wish we could travel back in time, then I would rewind the magical moment that we met for the first time again and again. You must find it difficult to be around metals; you are so magnetic I am always drawn to you I would have gifted you a cute puppy, but I did not as I would be jealous of the puppy for being with you If they could bottle the essence of you, then girls around the world would simply spritz some of that essence to get a bit of cuteness that is you. If I had known that being with you would be so much fun, we would have started dating when I was ten I am going to learn as many languages as possible so that I can say “I love you “ in all of them All my life I felt as though I was preparing for something, when I met you I knew what it was all about People are always telling me that I am lucky to have you and I always sit there like an idiot with a smug grin and nod agreement They say perfection is impossible, obviously “they” have not met you I know your family is full of happy people and why shouldn’t they be? They have you! When I looked at you for the first time, I finally got the meaning of the words “ she is the light of my life” I am glad we are born in this era of smart phones, computers etc. Otherwise I would have to perfect climbing up the wall outside your window just to get in touch with you I think the term “Perfection” fails when it comes to describing my love for you I like to think that we are like a pair of swans; graceful and mated for life! The way you look every time I say goodbye makes it so hard for me to walk away from you. I think God was high when he created you because there’s no one else who comes so close to perfection. Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me Angels don’t watch other angels. They say a picture tells 1,000 words but when I see yours all I see is 3: I… love…you I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other. I’ll love you till death, and then some You deserve the world, and I know I can’t give that to you. So I’ll give you the next best thing….my world. I put a tear in the ocean when you find it I’ll stop loving you I say I love you so much because I never know if one day one of us will end up in the hospital and I want your last feeling to be me loving you. Did it hurt, when God removed your wings and sent you down to earth? Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. Had an x-ray today, guess what they found? You. Safely tucked away in my heart. They said my heart is fine with a girl like you in it. Are you a dictionary because you add meaning in my life. (To a flower) You should meet my girlfriend, she’d show you how to be beautiful Last night I was looking at the sky and I started counting the stars. I noticed that two were missing and I can’t help but feel that you stole them, because today, I saw them in your eyes. I’m not a sweet talker but if I could say something romantic, you’d be the only one I’d say it to. Am sure there are millions of girls who cry into their pillow every night, wishing they were as beautiful as you are. I want to be there to hold your hand and shield you from any troubles that come your way. I can stay awake for all my life, just to be the first one to kiss you every morning and see you smile! The shortest word for me is I. The sweetest word for me is love. The only word for me is you. Do you know why God created spaces between our fingers? It is for someone else’s fingers to fit them in. I wish there was a pause button on life, because I would use it every moment we’re together I have two words to say to you. I love you. Isn’t that three? No.Love is one.You and I are one. I will love you F.O.R.E.V.E but no R because that would be the end of forever. If there is anything that I do for you when you are away, then it is to think about you…dream about you and miss you badly. Come to me my love, let me be your hiding place. When things get tough let me be your shelter. I promise to be true and love you like no one ever has. I have said nothing because there is nothing I can say that would describe how I feel as perfectly as you deserve it. When you came, you were like red wine and honey, and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness. Your voice, for me, is better than all my favorite songs put together. I will walk with you side by side for only one condition: hide your wings every time we walk together because the whole world might know that you’re my angel! To love is one thing, to be loved is another, but to be loved by the one you love is Everything. The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain signing to it… you and you alone make me feel that I am alive… Other men, it is said, have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. For every step that you take in your life, remember, I’m right behind you, always there with you.

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