Sunday 8 December 2013

ASUU dares FG as Deadline Expires Today Striking members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) Sunday vowed not to resume work despite the federal government’s ultimatum that they should do so by today or risk losing their jobs. The federal government had last week shifted the deadline for the resumption of the teachers, who have been on strike since July from last Wednesday to today. However, the union has remained adamant, insisting that its members would not go back to work, despite the threat as the government is not towing the line that would resolve the crisis. The union again added that it would not resume work until its demands as agreed with President Goodluck Jonathan at the November 4 meeting are all met. The All Progressives Congress has however told the federal government to take responsibility for prolonging the strike, adding that it should do the needful to end the industrial action by the university teachers. A member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of ASUU confided in THISDAY that the position of the union has not changed on the issue, notwithstanding the threat by the government. He said: “Yes, a lot of our members voted that the strike should be called off, only if those conditions are met. We have insisted that the agreement be produced into a binding document. Why is that a big deal if the government is serious? That Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a tradition anytime a strike is to be called off, between the two parties. This is a document that would be followed by the two parties. Nobody has done that, no instruction has been given. “Finally, we asked that the non-victimisation clause be addedto the MoU. Whenever we undergo any strike,we expect that our members should retrieve whatever they lost during any strike. That has been the practice throughout history. We do not want another strike in the next few months concerning the salary arrears of all academic staff in the universities. That clause should be in the MoU.” Reacting to comments credited to the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs, Dr. Doyin Okupe, that the N200 billion infrastructure revitalisation fund had already been deposited with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the ASUU official said the claim was left for pro-chancellors and the National Universities Commission (NUC) to verify as ASUU was not in position to do so. Another ASUU official told THISDAY that the re- opening of some schools such as University of Abuja, Enugu State University and several others does not in any way affect the strike. He said as far as the union is concerned, all ASUU members across Nigeria were on strike and would not teach. “The managements of the schools say they have re- opened, but is any lecture going on? ASUU does not close schools anyway, we can only suspend our services,” he said. TheNUC had last week clarified that the resumption order did not necessarily mean lectures would commence immediately. Briefing journalists in Abuja last Tuesday, the Executive Secretary, Prof. Julius Okojie, said some steps had to be taken before lectures could resume fully. He noted that the school environments would have to be put back in shape as reptiles may have taken over some places, and the Senate of each institution has to revisit the academic calendar. Okojie had also explained that the demands for salary arrears by ASUU could only be considered when the members of the union return to work, as some may have left the system during the strike. Those who resume work would receive their salary arrears, he added. The government on November 28, at a press conference addressed by the supervising Minister of Education, Chief Nyesom Wike, had issued an ultimatum to the striking members of the union, after accusing the union of presenting fresh demands. “…Any academic staff who failsto resume on or before the 4th of December, 2013 automatically ceases to be a staff of the institution and, Vice Chancellors are also directed to advertise vacancies (internal and external) in their institutions. The NUC is hereby directed to monitor compliance of these directives by the institutions” he said. The union, however at a press conference addressed by its National President, Dr. Nasir Fagge, last Monday, said it was not bothered by the threat. It also refuted claims by Wike that it presented fresh demands. Faggeexplained that the union was only seeking for theconsolidation of the agreements reached at the end of the 13-hour meeting with President Jonathan. The government, barely 24 hours to the expiration of the initial deadline, had shifted the deadline to today to enable the teachers participate in the funeral of a former ASUU President, Prof. Festus Iyayi, who died while on his way to Kano to attend a meeting of the union. Source: ThisDay Newspaper

WHY LATE NELSON MANDELA IS IN HELL BY JIM SOLOUKI AND MARTIN BAKER. Greetings True Christians! Today Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, ended his worldly life and entered the depths of Hell. Mandela was an unsaved heathen, and died without knowing the Lord. Not only did Mandela influence American Democrat Barack Hussein Obama, but he also practiced a heathen African tribal religion. Unfortunately, while Mandela did some great things for the nation of South Africa by ending apartheid, Heaven is like an exclusive club, unsaved unwelcome. Mandela died unsaved, and is therefore not welcome in Heaven. Nelson Mandela was also influenced by Darwinism and Communism! Mandela was an avid reader of Marx in the 1950s, and everybody knows that God hates Communists! Mandela allied himself with Communists and heathen Indian Gandhi, who is also in Hell. Instead of seeking a Christian approach to freedom from apartheid, Mandela instead turned entirely to heathens. In fact, Mandela and Gandhi even are rumored to have engaged in rampant homosexual acts with each other while planning protests! Mandela was also friendly toward Muslims, God’s hated people! Mandela was linked to the American Civil Rights movement, and many members of this movement were Muslims. Know what the Muslims did after they got African Americans equal rights? They crashed airplanes into buildings and started sectarian wars in the Middle East. Nelson Mandela was allied with these heathen scum, and is now being punished for his earthly mistakes. Tonight I watched many news stations. On every channel, they showed Africans lining the streets of South Africa, doing happy dappy heathen dances, perhaps in hopes that the voodoo rain god might look with favor upon the soul of Mandela. Unfortunately, these savages are of the same cloth as Mandela. Nelson Mandela may have been a great AFRICAN nature, but by world standards, he was rather lacking. But alas, this is the best that Africa can do. Africa is a heathen continent filled with heathens, and it is no wonder that God allowed the people of Africa to be enslaved. I implore those Africans still living to reject the sinful ways of Nelson Mandela and embrace Christianity so that they might not follow Mandela into Hell. Let us pray for the Africans, out of love. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please lead the Africans away from heathen religions and to You. Please lead the Africans to Christianity so that they may stop being punished with AIDS, poverty, and dirty water, and so that they may avoid the fate of Nelson Mandela and avoid being cast into hell. This we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. A heartfelt Christian messages from your friends, Jim Solouki and Martin Baker

Tuesday 3 December 2013

FG Bows To ASUU, N200b Paid Into CBN Barely twenty four hours to the expiration of the 4 December ultimatum Federal Government gave members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to resume classes or be sacked, the federal government this morning bowed to one of the demands of the lecturers by paying N200 billion into an account opened with the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN. Disclosing this on Channels Television programme ‘Sunrise Daily’ this morning, Dr.Doyin Okupe, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs confirmed that the N200b demanded by ASUU to be paid into an account with the CBN has been done. The amountis meant for renewal of infrastructure facilities in public universities in the country. But ASUU President, Dr. Nasir Fage Isa, accused the government of being insincere in its dealing with the striking lecturers. He urged the government to respond to its letter demanding the fulfillment of some conditions for it to call off the strike. Okupe said that from the government’s perspective, everything that needs to be done has been done and whether the strike would be called off or not now lies in the hands of the leadership of ASUU. He said that most of the demands of the Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities, ASUU, have been agreed upon at the 13-hour meeting they had with the President in October. “At the end of that meeting, the Government proposed that everything that has been agreed should be put in a memorandum of agreement and that the two parties should sign, but the leadership of ASUU declined and said instead of that, they would rather have a letter of comfort expressing everything that hasbeen resolved therein, and that will suffice for them.” According to him, the Government agreed to their request and issued the said letter based on the agreementthat the strike would be called off within 7 days. However, this did not happen “in spite of the fact that the ASUU leadership presented the letter of comfort to its chapters nationwide and a clear majority of them endorsed the resolutions reached and actually were more inclined towards calling off the strike.” Dr. Okupe stressed that the attitude of the ASUU leadership showed that the seed of discord and evidence of bad faith already existed. “It is unfortunate that somebody died but notwithstanding, that cannot be a justification for delaying the implementation of an agreement for 21 or more days. Reading from the ‘Letter of Comfort’ issued by the Federal Government in agreement with the leadership of ASUU, the government agreed that Nigerian universities must be revitalized for effective service delivery, all the provisions in the agreement and MoU for the revitalization shall be fully implemented as captured in the 2012 Needs Assessment and the Federal Government shall mobilize resource towards this goal. “Based on this, it was also agreed that a sum of N1.3 trillion shall be made available to ASUU over the next six years starting from December 2013 with (the sum of) N200 billion. The FGN therefore request that the ASUU shall within 7 days call off its 4 month strike.” Contrary to the Federal Government’s expectation that ASUU would call off the strike, ASUU in another document said that they “could not call off the strike because of certain uncertainties or gaps that are evident in the government’s report.” Okupe asked fiercely, “what are these uncertainties? He accused ASUU of turning around to again state four new conditions for the strike to be called off. They demanded that the agreed N200 billion should be deposited in an account at the Central Bank within 2 weeks, while the negotiation of the 2009 agreement should be included in the final document. The ASUU, according to Okupe also demanded that a non-victimization clause should be included as well as a new MoU signed by the Attorney-General. Dismissing their requests, he said a demand for a memorandum is a waste of people’s time because this is ideally what should follow any agreement made between two parties in the first place, and that by International Labour Laws which Nigeria is guided by, no one is expected to be victimized for going on strike. He also said that ASUU, asking that the MoU with Federal Government should be signed by the Attorney- General “does not make sense” because anyone of high standing in government can sign for it. Headded that an account has already been opened for the N200 billion they are requesting for in the Central Bank. Okupe added that the government has shown commitment by meeting with the leadership of ASUU, and agreeing to its demands, considering that previous governments did not give them such an opportunity to sit down and discuss. He called on ASUU to do the right thing for the benefit of the nation. “The Government cannot be seen to be contesting with any sector of the economy or the country. This President is interested in moving Nigeria forward through a very well- articulated transformation agenda.” Source: PMNews

Monday 2 December 2013

ASUU Strike: FUTO calls Students back to School Amids Controversy Authorities of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri yesterday released a press statement calling her students back to school as academic activities were scheduled to resume immediately. Below is the full press release; The Senate of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri at its 375 Extraordinary meeting held on Monday, December 2, 2013 considered the directive of the Federal Government on resumption of duty by Academic Staff in Federal Universities and decided that academic activities in the University should resume immediately for the conclusion of the 2012/2013 Rain Semester. Consequently all students of the University are required to return to campus between Monday December 2, and Friday December 8, 2013 while Rain Semester Examinations commence on Monday December 9, 2013 and end on Saturday December 21, 2013. Accordingly, all academic staff are required to proceed immediately to their respective Departments to sign in for resumption of duty not later than Wednesday December 4, 2013. Signed: Orje Ishegh-Nor Registrar/Secretary to the Senate Meanwhile, the FUTO chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) had a congress meeting where they unanimously agreed never to succumb to any threat by both FG and the university administration to call of the strike or begin exams.

High Heels and Your HEALTH High heels are not a fad it has turned into a never ending fashion in recent era. As you could see a propelling sea of woman’s every day wearing such heels all the time. Why is it so? Why woman cannot do without high heels? Even after having realized that wearing mere pumps leave their feet in painful condition then why don’t they realize the grave consequences of wearing high heels. It is a sad fact, alas, majority of the women do not realize this, as a result, put their feet on stake and up for a long lasting impact. Why Women Wear High Heels? This is one such question which should be answered in order to rationalize this choice of a woman; because doctors and researchers have been shouting out loud about the demerits of wearing high heels but it seems like women are not paying heed to them. Therefore, it is important for us to understand, why? One major reason out of many is, women wear high heels to be noticeable positively They also do so to exude their self-confidenceor to boost up their self esteem Apart from that, it makes a woman look taller and hence, also qualifies as a lucrative height increasing option for short heighted women Moreover, high heels effect a woman’s posture in such a way that it ultimately accentuates the feminine look of a woman and makes her look more stunning Last but not the least, another reason behind the popularity of these high heels is that they make a person look thinner than usual By keeping the above reasons in mind, we could say that women put themselves in pain just because of few ugly norms and behaviors in society; which, like to see and prefer a confident feminine side of a woman. As a result, women seek their hide out in high heels without giving a second thought to all the painful consequences which they will have to bear later on. Having considered all these in mind, now we are going to shed some light on the grave consequences of high heels by pinpointing their side-effects. Side Effects of Wearing High Heels Heals, though, lure ladies into an abyss of high confidence and that is the main reason behind them opting out for high heels at most of the occasions but one can simply not deny the side effects of wearing high heels due to this rationale. Being a woman, you should need to know that: Your feet act as a shock absorber or as a weight disturber of entire body and when you wear heels, you shift all that mass on mere balls and toes of your feet as a result they get affected substantially The higher the heels the more dreadful are the circumstances for a woman’s feet; you lose your natural walk and become prey of staccato motion as a result of abrupt transition of toes and eventually, you also end up damaging your nerves High heels also put your ankles in a position which restricts the smooth circulation of blood in your lower limbs. Apart from that, it also leaves long lasting impact on your Achilles tendons Continuous wearing of high heels shorten the growth of calf tendons and ankles as a result you have to walk painfully all the time Osteoarthritis is another side effect of wearing high heels; it triggers because of the increase in stress on your knees Moreover, the adverse effects of high heels could also be felt on outer hip muscles and tendons due to the confident posture which you have to wear in high heels Another thing which gets affected by high heels in your body is your spinal cord; heels make you swing and also your spine in accord with the tread but this swaying is unnatural and causes adversities in your back. Due to this, you could suffer from sore lower backbone Further you could also suffer from hammer toes due to these killer heels because 1 out of every 3rd heel wearer woman suffers from this ailment High heels also increase the probability of you falling over your knees and have them broken or sprained in result A bony enlargement can also appear at the back of your heel due to wearing such shoes which are not only high in heels but also have tight straps Recapitulating, high heels though make you look extremely confident and add an extra zest to your appearance but you should not wear them all the time and you also need to bear in mind that higher heels cause you more damage. Therefore, it is necessary to stick to the intermittent use of high heels for a shorter period of time and also try to wear not more than 1.5 inch heels else your Achilles tendon would go shorter and eventually, cause you unbearable trouble.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

ASUU Strike Latest: Pro- chancellors order all Universities open Committee of Pro- chancellors of Nigerian Federal Universities, on Tuesday, unanimously ordered immediate re- opening of universities across the country. The communiqué signed by the Chairman of the Committee, Professor Kimse Okoko, was made available to newsmen late Tuesday in Abuja. The communiqué was issued at the end of the committee meeting to discuss the protracted strike by Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and other issues affecting the Nigerian university system. The communiqué stated that the decision to re- open the universities was unanimously agreed by all pro-chancellors in the overall interest of all concerned. The pro-chancellors, in the communique, directed all vice chancellors to comply with the committee decision. Nigerian Tribune gathered that the decision of the pro-chancellors was predicated on the earlier referendum held by various chapters of ASUU that voted 60-40 in favour of suspension of the over four months old strike. They expressed dismay that all efforts to resolve the crisis, including the intervention of President Goodluck Jonathan, has failed. The communiqué recognised “all effort by Federal Government to address the major issues involved in the strike action including the bold and the supportive intervention by Mr President.” It also stated that the committee noted “with satisfaction the outcome of the referendum conducted in all branches of ASUU nationwide which voted 60-40 in favour of the suspension of the ongoing strike by ASUU.” The pro-chancellors called for the understanding of ASUU and indeed all staff of the various universities in Nigeria. This order is coming on the heels of polarisation that has already crept into the ASUU, following the meeting they had with President Goodluck Jonathan penultimate week. Nigerians were amazed that the emergency National Executive Council meeting, held in Kaduna last weekend, came out with fresh conditions for suspension of strike after it was rumoured that a deal was struck with President Jonathan. ASUU has been on strike since July 1 and the NEC meeting was to deliberate on the resolutions of various chapters of ASUU on whether the strike should be suspended or not based on the offers by the government. Nigerian Tribune gathered that the pro-chancellors were aggrieved that even when majority of the members of ASUU want the strike called off, few elements in the union have refused to yield to the popular desire of the members. Meanwhile, the crisis rocking the University of Lagos (UNILAG) chapter of ASUU, over its continued participation in the ongoing strike action by the union’s national body, worsened on Tuesday as the two factions in the crisis openly traded insults. The congress, called on Monday, saw a sharp division in the chapter with a faction favouring a pull-out from the strike action, giving a week ultimatum to open the institution. The faction also promised undisclosed further actions ifthe ultimatum was not met, after it held a separate congress following the disruption of the earlier one. Source: Tribune Newspaper

DON'T QUIT!!!== Every morning a gazelle awakens knowing that it must outrun the fastest lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning a lion wakes up knowing that it must run faster than the fastest gazelle or it will starve to death. It makes no difference whether you are a lion or a gazelle; what is important is when the sun comes up you had better be running! The moment you give up, you bring about your own end. Every success story- whether family story, career story and project achievement story etc is also a story of a great failure and flaw. The only difference is that the successful people never gave up. Instead, they bounced with much more energy and enthusiasm every time they failed and encountered difficulties. Are you born in the cradle of poverty? Never give up! Remember that after every night comes the dawn, and after winter comes spring. Perhaps your prosperity may be only a kilometer away! Are you broken down at the loss of someone in your life? Never give up! Life spent with someone for a lifetime maybe meaningless, but a few moments spent with someone who really loves and cares for you mean more than life itself. Are you constrained by your physical deformity? Never give up! Life is a matter of perception; either you complain because roses have thorns or rejoice because thorns have roses! Are you too aged to accomplish anything great? Never give up! Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it does not matter. Are you disappointed with repeated failures? Never give up! Full stop is not a real end because you can form a sentence after that. Similarly, failure is not the real end; it can be made the real beginning of success! Are you ridiculed by others while attempting something? Never give up! You have not come into the world to live up to the expectations of others. Have you lost faith in God? Never give up! You know what is good for you, but God knows what is best for you! If He asks you to put something down, it is because He wants you to pick up something better! Are you faced with myriad difficulties? Never give up! An arrow goes forward only if it pulled backward and a bullet goes forward only if the trigger is pressed backward. You can be successful only if you face the difficulties on your path. Are you rejected and looked down upon by others? Never give up! As you sail through life, just let rejections pass. Sail on! Because calm seas will never make skilled sailors! Are you squashed in intense hardships? Never give up! A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. So imagine how brilliant you can be by withstanding the pressures of life. Everyone would have every success he/she ever wanted if there were no obstacles. Your challenge is to be persistent and work through those obstacle. I fully agree with the words of the late great American President Calvin Coolidge, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more uncommon than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” In life, so many of us pass through many lives adversities. It doesn’t really matter the particular type of adversity, they are all the same. They all affects us in the same manner. The purpose of writing this moral book is for us to have a guide as we pass through the different steps and stages in life. This book is written to serve as a tool of encouragement to so many of us who have, have not, and is still to pass through the different lives strategic hits Each of the stories here always has something significant to teach us. Let’s learn from them. The word GIVE UP itself has so much of poison and lethargy that it has killed many positive drives, dreams and ambitions of several people. Therefore, the watchword of life must be “NEVER GIVE UP!” Dare wildly, act courageously, and live the life you desire! Don’t give up before the miracle happens!

Monday 25 November 2013

More Than 50 Killed in China Pipeline Blasts BEIJING—Explosions at a pipeline that left dozens dead and upended cars and sidewalks in a busy Chinese port city have renewed focus on industrial facilities in densely populated areas—an issue of rising importance as Beijing pushes an ambitious urbanization plan. Regulators and the pipeline's operator, China's largest refining company, began exchanging blame on Monday over the Friday incident in the eastern city of Qingdao, which drew widespread attention across the country and prompted a visit by PresidentXi Jinping to a local hospital to meet with victims. Authorities on Monday raised the death toll to 55, with 136 injured and nine still missing. Chinese authorities said Monday that the blasts exposed problems caused by human error and that the accident was a "very serious dereliction of duty," China's official Xinhua news agency said, citing Yang Dongliang, director of the State Administration of Work Safety. Mr. Yang said the problems included how the pipeline and the city's sewage and underground cable systems had become intertwined. But he also cited "negligence of duty of pipeline supervision and unprofessional handling of oil leakage before the blasts." A representative for China Petrochemical Corp., known as Sinopec Group, said the government investigation was continuing and the cause of the blast had yet to be determined. But the company defended its conduct, saying authorities in another city with oversight over the pipeline didn't sign off on an overhaul. The representative also said the area around the pipeline wasn't as populated when it was completed 27 years ago. "The city began to expand and people gathered," the Sinopec representative said. "Buildings and other utility pipelines were built near our oil pipelines." Qingdao's rapid urbanization and fast-paced industrialization illustrates the challenges that China's leaders face in planning for economic growth. Qingdao's population jumped to 8.5 million in 2010 from 6.3 million in 1986. In 2011, Qingdao completed a 17-mile bridge across Jiaozhou Bay to alleviate traffic that choked a highway that curved around the bay. That structure connects its downtown with the district of Huangdao, where Friday's explosions occurred, and accelerated Huangdao's development. "I wonder why so many factories and companies have been built in the area, and why people are being directly exposed to pollution and explosions," said a Huangdao resident calling herself Xiao Rou on her microblog. "Why doesn't the government take measures? …I hope the government can give us a safe home." Sinopec and other companies have previously faced protests in several cities over efforts to build or expand industrial facilities near densely populated areas. Last year, residents in the eastern Chinese city of Ningbo forced officials to suspend the planned $8.9 billion expansion of a petrochemical facility run by Sinopec, which began operating in the area in 1975. Part of the new facility was supposed to produce the industrial chemical paraxylene, which residents feared could be damaging to their health and the environment. Such incidents come as China pushes to move more rural residents into the cities as a way to spur greater consumption to help rebalance its economy. A blueprint for reform by China's leaders released this month called for greater access to urban services for rural migrants and greater land rights for rural residents, which could give them added impetus to sell and move. In 2009, China's State Council, or cabinet, began deliberating precautions on construction around pipelines. "Rapid urbanization had resulted in the reckless construction of buildings and roads within buffer areas for the pipelines in recent years, making their protection increasingly difficult," Xinhua said at the time. The explosions on Friday occurredas workers tried to clear a spill from a leak that began in the early hours. Authorities said there were explosions in two areas. The pipeline, built in 1986, carries crude oil from Huangdao to processing facilities in the city of Weifang about 170 kilometers, or about 100 miles,away. Sinopec said it submitted plans to Weifang's Ministry of Environmental Protection to overhaul sections of the pipeline in 2011 and 2012, but the plans were rejected. Sinopec warned Weifang that nearby roads, houses and buildings could create potential hazards, the representative added. "If there were any incidents, we wouldn't be able to repair our pipelines conveniently and immediately," the Sinopec representative said. However, "the [Weifang] government didn't agree with our plans to repair the aging pipeline, so we couldn't do it." Representatives from Weifang and its environmental protection branch didn't reply to requests to comment. Although the pipeline crosses through several regions and ends in Qingdao, Sinopec said it was required by Chinese law to seek permission from local authorities in Weifang, where the company's pipeline subsidiary is registered.A Huangdao municipal government spokeswoman referred questions to Sinopec. Sinopec's pipeline hasn't been immune to past problems. Oil spills and fires resulted from two 2010 incidents, according to company statements, though no casualties were reported. Sinopec blamed the buildup of trash on a section of the pipeline and illegal construction near it. Xinhua quoted the Chinese president as saying on Sunday that safety must be improved in the pipeline industry, and he called for stronger inspections and punishments for violations. Mr. Xi added that pipeline operators should carry out surprise inspections and enforce a "zero-tolerance" policy for violations. Although China has had other pipeline explosions in the past, Friday's blasts were the deadliest in recent memory. In 2010, a series of oil-pipeline explosions rocked the shipping and tourism city of Dalian, sparking fires that blazed for 15 hours. However, there were no casualties. —Olivia Geng and Grace Zhu contributed to this article.

FG CONDEMS ASUU'S NEW DEMAND.==== By LAIDE AKINBOADE & PETER OKUTU ABUJA — The Federal Government, yesterday, condemned the new conditions which Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, insists must be met before the five-month old strike could be called off. The three conditions were payment of four months salaries, which accumulated during the period of the strike; immediate implementation of the N1.2 trillion offered by the government to public universities, starting with the release of N100 billion this year and the balance of N1.1 trillion to be spread over five years from 2014. The union also demanded that the salary arrears must not be paid in piecemeal. These were some of the resolutions reached by members of the National Executive Council, NEC, of the union that met in Kano on Friday. Supervising Minister of Education, Nyesom Wike, condemned the new conditions but assured that he would present them before President Goodluck Jonathan. EBSU breaks ranks, recalls students Meanwhile, the management of Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, EBSU, yesterday ordered lecturers and students of the institution to return to classes following the inability of ASUU to end its strike. A statement by the Registrar of the institution, Mr. Sam Egwu, stressed that the institution had resolved to resume academic activities regardless of the ASUU-FG dispute, adding that academic activities would resume in all the campuses of the institution from today, Tuesday, November 26. EBSU chapter of ASUU however, said that lecturers would not return to classes until their demands were met in line with the position of its national body

BANDING ISLAM. Angola shuts down all Mosques, says Islam is illegal Angola has ordered the shutdown of all mosques and declared Islam illegal. "The legalisation of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights [and] their mosques will be closed until further notice," said minister of culture Rosa Cruz e Silva. The minister called Islam a "sect" which would be banned as counter to Angolan customs and culture. * I remember that a fan put this in his comment and people abused thunder out of him. I'm afraid the report is true.*

Sunday 24 November 2013

Homily for November 24, 2013: Christ the King November 23, 2013 By Deacon Greg Kandra Most people may not realize it, but the feast we celebrate this Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King, is a very new one on the church calendar. It was added by Pope Pius XI in 1925. He created this feast as a reaction against the prevailing attitudes of his day – a way to refute the growing threats of communism and secularism. Two “isms” that sought to make man, not God, the most powerful force in the world. Within a few years, of course, the world would have another “ism” to confront, totalitarianism – making this feast even more significant. A century later, those threats have been replaced by others that tend to marginalize God —”isms” like materialism or relativism. But here and now, this feast still stands in defiance of our culture. And it stands before us as a challenge. It asks us: “Who – or WHAT — really rules our lives?” That’s a question we could spend all of Advent asking ourselves, and praying over. And maybe we should. But today, I want to spend a few minutes considering not just Christ the King – but Christ’s kingdom. Because this feast reminds us what we pray for, day after day, week after week, when we pray “thy kingdom come.” This kingdom doesn’t have a castle or a court. It isn’t a place of royal fanfare. It isn’t even found on a map. It is a kingdom that dwells within the human heart. And its great defining landmark…is the cross. That is where we encounter Christ the King in today’s gospel reading. In fact, this reading may hit us as a shock. Usually, we hear this gospel during Holy Week. But on this feast, when we celebrate Christ’s triumphant presence in the world, we don’t meet this all-powerful King in a moment of splendor. We meet Him at his most humble — and most humiliated. Stripped. Beaten. Dying on a cross. Yet, this is part of what we pray for when we pray “Thy kingdom come.” We pray for a kingdom of peace and justice, of course. But we also pray for a kingdom of sacrificial love — a place where the greatest honor isn’t in how much you have or how much you control…but in how much you give up. A kingdom where true power lies…in being powerless. It is a place where we are called to love, and to give, until there is nothing left. It is where pure love reigns. And it is in that kingdom where the “good thief” wants to dwell. This exchange has a unique place in all of scripture. In this passage, Christ isn’t called “rabbi” or “teacher.” In the last moments of his life, someone finally calls Him, simply “Jesus.” It is the only moment in the gospels where this happens: this is the only time that someone calls him by his given name. The man hanging beside our Lord speaks to Him as a brother, as a friend. He talks to him, literally, man to man. “Jesus,” he says to Him, “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Those words, passed down through history, have become our words – the plea of anyone who has ever felt abandoned, or lonely, desperate or afraid. We pray that God doesn’t forget us. And that He gives us, somehow, His grace. In other words: thy kingdom come. And Jesus answers that simple prayer: “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” The kingdom WILL come. One man’s faith, at the last moments of his life, saves him. It is something that should give all of us comfort and consolation. I mentioned at the beginning that this Feast is relatively new to the Church – but what it represents is as old as Christianity itself. A father of the Church, Cyril of Jerusalem, beautifully described how the first Christians received communion, saying that they “made their hands like a throne” to receive the Lord. The very title “Christ the King” has outlasted most of the world’s monarchies. Kings, of course, have fallen out of fashion — there are only about 40 real monarchs now ruling in the world. Most of them are just figureheads. But the one we honor and celebrate today, of course, isn’t. As Paul describes him today: he is the “firtborn of all creation… for in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell.” This is the one we celebrate. This is the one we prepare to welcome in a few weeks. And, this is the one we will greet this morning, with our hands outstretched like a throne. When I was a teenager, a popular hymn was “The King of Glory.” I won’t torture you by singing it. But I remember the lyrics so well: “The king of glory comes, the nation rejoices, open the gates before him, lift up your voices.” This morning, on this singular feast, this last Sunday of the liturgical year, we open the gates. We lift up our voices. We stretch out our hands. And we welcome this King of Glory into our hearts, praying like the good thief: Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

Saturday 23 November 2013

ASUU in secret meeting, to end strike Posted by webmaster [highlight]By Ted Odogwu Bureau Chief, Kano[/ highlight] There are strong indications that the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) may call off its five-month strike, following two days of marathon secret meeting its national executive council (NEC) held yesterday at an undisclosed venue in Kano. When Saturday Newswatch visited Bayero University Kano (BUK) old campus, it was observed that vehicles belonging to Usman Danfodio University, Kaduna State University, Ambrose Ali University and the University of Ibadan, among others were parked at the premises. However, it was learnt shortly after that all the officials who are assembled at the venue boarded a bus, which conveyed them to an undisclosed venue for the crucial meeting. As at the time of filing this report, the meeting was still in progress, while efforts to contact some of the officials for an update failed as they all switched off their handsets. It was however learnt that there are strong indications that the strike may be called off today (Saturday). According to our investigation, some of the NEC officials claimed ignorance of such an alleged meeting, just as it also learnt that it may be an adhoc meeting for the preparation of grounds for the proper NEC meeting. However, it would be recalled that ASUU embarked on the strike five months ago, due to the failure of the Federal Government to implement the 2009 agreement it reached with the union. The crisis between the Federal Government and ASUU has been lingering for quite some time as both parties failed to reach a compromise.

President Goodluck Jonathan on Friday made his first appearance after the news of his ill health became a public knowledge. Jonathan who is in London for the 15th meeting of the Honourary International Investors Council could not attend the opening on Thursday due to ill-health. Presidential spokesman, Reuben Abati, had said in a statement that the President was advised by a team of competent medical practitioners to rest for a few days. He however appeared at the meeting on Friday, saying he was fit again. He displayed no sign of weakness as he shook hands with participants on arrival at the venue at about 9.30am local time. President Jonathan falls ill in London … unable to attend investors’ council’s meeting President Goodluck Jonathan on Thursday became indisposed in far away London where he was scheduled to preside over the meeting of Nigeria’s Honorary International Investors’ Council. His Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati, made this known in a statement he made available to journalists in Abuja. Abati said the President, who turned 56 on Wednesday, had since been examined by competent medical practitioners. He added that Jonathan was advised by his doctors to rest for a few days. Abati neither disclosed the nature of the ailment nor the duration of the resting period. He assured Nigerians that Jonathan’s medical condition was “nothing serious,” adding that the medical attention he sought was only “precautionary.” His statement reads, “In the course of his ongoing visit to London for a meeting of Nigeria’s Honorary International Investors’ Council, President Goodluck Jonathan became indisposed and could not be present at the opening of the meeting today (on Thursday). “President Jonathan has since been examined by competent medical practitioners. He has been advised to rest for a few days. “The Presidency wishes to assure all Nigerians that President Jonathan’s condition is nothing serious and that the medical attention he has sought is only precautionary.” Jonathan who was born on November 20, 1957 in Otuoke, the Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State clocked 56 while in London. In his absence, Vice-President Namadi Sambo led other members of the Federal Executive Council to mark his birthday in a brief ceremony during which they wished him long life. Jonathan became the President after the death of late President Umaru Yar’Adua whose Presidency was affected by ill-health. It will be recalled that the President’s wife, Patience, also fell ill in August last year and spent about seven weeks abroad. Although her media aides had claimed she was resting abroad after the rigours of hosting the African First Ladies Summit,she was actually admitted at a German hospital during the period. At a special thanksgiving held in her honour on February 17, 2013, Patience had confirmed that she passed on for more than a week before God miraculously raised her from the dead. She said her situation was hopeless to the extent that some people close to her who were convinced that she would neverreturn to the country alive had started selling off her personal effects. She recalled how her tummy was opened and her intestine out for days. Describing herself as the Biblical Lazarus who Jesus Christ raised from the dead, Patience said it was God himself who sent her back to the earth because she had some unfulfilled tasks to carry out. Although she did not disclose the nature of her ailment, she said she underwent about nine surgeries within a month. The President, at the event, had said the miraculous recovery of his wife succeeded in putting an end to the superstitious belief that no President enters the Presidential Villa and leaves with his family intact. He had said, “The story was that one of us (the President or his wife) will die. Today, we are celebrating her. “Her recovery has put an end to that belief. I am not too good in celebrating, but for this particular one, I think we have to thank God for keeping the life of my wife. “If anything had happened, there would have been different stories. Fake prophets would have given their stories. “As mortals, we must fall sick and die but how and when are what matter most. “To die when serving your people is not good. Death should come after you have finished serving.” The President had recalled that when he was still a deputy governor in Bayelsa State, he lost a second cousin. He said during the burial, a story was told of how anybody in his community, who is gradually going into limelight always died mysteriously. Jonathan had said all eyes were focused on him, apparently insinuating that it was his time to die. He had said he prayed hard that he would not die young and God had answered him.

Thursday 21 November 2013

A Letter to a ‘Silent’ brother Dear Patrick, I was then an only child who had everything I could ever want in life . But even a pretty, spoiledand rich kid could get lonely once in a while so when Mom told me that she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I imagined how wonderful you would be and how we’d always be together and how much you would look like me. So, when you were born, I looked at your tiny hands and feet and marveled at how beautiful you were. We took you home and I showed you proudly to my friends. They would touch you and sometimes pinch you, but you never reacted. When you were five months old, some things began to bother Mom. You seemed so unmoving and numb, and your cry sounded odd — almost like a kitten’s. So we brought you to many doctors. The thirteenth doctor who looked at you quietly said you have the “cry du chat” (pronounced Kree-do- sha) syndrome, “cry of the cat” in French. When I asked what that meant, he looked at me with pity and softly said, “Your brother will never walk nor talk.” The doctor told us that it is a condition that afflicts one in 50,000 babies, rendering victims severely retarded. Mom was shocked and I was furious. I thought it was unfair. When we went home, Mom took you in her arms and cried. Ilooked at you and realized that word will get around that you’re not normal. So to hold on to my popularity, I did the unthinkable … I disowned you. Mom and Dad didn’t know but I steeled myself not to love you as you grew. Mom and Dad showered you love and attention and that made me bitter. And as the years passed, that bitterness turned to anger, and then hate. Mom never gave up on you. She knew she had to do it for your sake. Everytime she put your toys down, you’d roll instead of crawl. I watched her heart break every time she took away your toys and strapped your tummy with foam so you couldn’t roll. You struggle and you’re cry in that pitiful way, the cry of the kitten. But she still didn’t give up. And then one day, you defied what all your doctors said — you crawled. When mom saw this, she knew you would eventually walk. So when you were still crawling at age four, she’d put you on the grass with only your diapers on knowing that you hate the feel of the grass on your skin. Then she’d leave you there. I would sometimes watch from the windows and smile at your discomfort. You would crawl to the sidewalk and Mom would put you back. Again and again, Mom repeated this on the lawn. Until one day, Mom saw you pull yourself up and toddle off the grass as fast as your little legs could carry you. Laughing and crying, she shouted for Dad and I to come. Dad hugged you crying openly. I watched from my bedroom window this heartbreaking scene. Over the years, Mom taught you to speak, read and write. From then on, I would sometime see you walk outside, smell the flowers, marvel at the birds, or just smile at no one. I began to see the beauty of the world through your eyes. It was then that I realized that you were my brother and no matter how much I tried to hate you, I couldn’t, because I had grown to love you. During the next few days, we again became acquainted with each other. I would buy you toys and give you all the love that a sister could ever give to her brother. And you would reward me by smiling and hugging me. But I guess, you were never really meant for us. On your tenth birthday, you felt severe headaches. The doctor’s diagnosis –leukemia. Mom gasped and Dad held her, while I fought hard to keep my tears from falling. At that moment, I loved you all the more. I couldn’t even bear to leave your side. Then the doctors told us that your only hope is to have a bone marrow transplant. After a nationwide donor search. We at last found the right match . You were too sick . You underwent chemotherapy and radiation. Just a month before you died, you made me draw up a list of things you wanted to do when you got out of the hospital. Two days after the list was completed, you asked the doctors to send you home. There, we ate ice cream and cake, run across the grass, flew kites, went fishing, took pictures of one another and let theballoons fly. I remember the last conversation that we had. You said that if you die, and if I need of help, I could send you a note to heaven by tying it on the string of any balloon and letting it fly. When you said this, I started crying. Then you hugged me. Then again, for the last time, you got sick. That last night, you asked for water, a back rub, a cuddle. Finally, you went into seizure with tears streaming down your face. Later, at the hospital, you struggled to talk but the words wouldn’t come. I know what you wanted to say. “Hear you,” I whispered. And for the last time, I said, “I’ll alwayslove and I will never forget you. Don’t be afraid. You’ll soon be with God in heaven.” Then, with my tears flowing freely, I watched the bravest boy I had ever known finally stop breathing. Dad, Mom and I cried until I felt as if therewere no more tears left. Patrick was finally gone, leaving us behind. From then on, you were my source of inspiration. You showed me how to love life and live to the fullest. With your simplicity and honesty, you showed me a world full of love and caring. And you made me realize that the most important thing in this life is to continue loving without asking why or how and without setting any limit in life. Thank you, my little brother, for all these.

I CAN WAIT AN ETERNITY TO BE WITH YOU. You bewitched me with that one look .I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. It was like you were God sent just for me. No matter where you go but my love for you will stay true for you. Seasons will change and years will pass but for me there can never be another you because ever since I met you nobody else has come close to my heart. You have cast a spell on me. I think about you day and night. You are constantly on my mind. I will never give up on us. Everyone says I LOVE YOU but I want to say I AM HERE TO STAY. If I have to, I will wait for an eternity to be with you…

Tuesday 19 November 2013

De1guru at 1:16 PM How to Install Whatsapp on s40 Java Phones Like Asha 200 & 205 This tutorial will guide you to install Whatsapp messenger on your non-supported java phones like the Nokia Asha 200, Asha 205 and any other non-supported java phones. Please take note you need to free up your internal memory before proceeding, at least have more than 4MB free. 1. Download the Raw file from here note the file is a zipped file. 2. unzip the downloaded zipped file, then copy the whole folder to your memory card (advisable to do this step on a computer). 3. Now goto the folder, DO NOT launch the whatsapp application inside the folder just yet. 4. Copy the application from the memory card to your My Apps or Games. 5. Now go back to the initial folder and delete it. 6. Now go to the whatsapp application in your phone, click the option button and click update version, let it update then you can open the application…thats all. It might ask for update and upgrade, dont worry, just allow it to upgrade and update. Your comments matters...

Why does 3G mobile cellular signal use more power than 2G? 2G (original GSM) was deliberately designed to be very power-efficient only for low-data rate voice services. 3G was designed to be more spectrally efficient and to deliver higher-rate data services, but at the expense of using more power. Specifically: - 2G uses 200kHz channel vs 5MHz for WCDMA (25x more). Power is roughly proportional to bandwidth - GSM used a very power- efficient constant envelope modulation scheme (GMSK). 3G uses CDMA and higher order modulation (up to 16QAM or even 64QAM), which needs much better linearity and hence the radio draws far more power. 2.5G (GPRS) and 2.75G (EDGE) use QAM, which deliver more data and are more spectrally efficient (bps/Hz) so they coverge with 3G somewhat. You can improve battery life significantly by turning of 3G and only using 2G if you stick to voice but if you are going to web-surf then the better data-rate (bps) and data efficiency probably make 3G more efficient. This trend continues: 4G offers far faster data rates and is more spectrally efficient, but draws even more power. Note: the above discussion is for GSM to WCDMA; for IS95/ cdma2000 the situation is similar but the specifics are different Check out on out post about Wifi and 3G battery Usage Here Like and share.....

I decided to share this tutorial on HOW TO GET 300,00 2GO CREDIT this evening.. Get an empty credited etisalat sim,but with MB that You will use to browse on 2go. => After that open Your 2go Account, go to 'get 2go Credit's. => After that go to get '2go credits Manually', press that for almost 8times. => After That click any go credits You want and enjoy. As for me, I got 300,000 go credits. try it and see. Note:- it works for Etisalat users who registered on 2go with an Etisalat line. If You use MTN or other sim to Register Your 2go Account. I will advice all MTN and Other Network provider Users to Open another 2go Account with Their Etisalat Sim before they try this and Note that You can Transfer the go credit. Enjoy and always come online daily for hot update

I decided to share this tutorial on HOW TO GET 300,00 2GO CREDIT this evening.. Get an empty credited etisalat sim,but with MB that You will use to browse on 2go. => After that open Your 2go Account, go to 'get 2go Credit's. => After that go to get '2go credits Manually', press that for almost 8times. => After That click any go credits You want and enjoy. As for me, I got 300,000 go credits. try it and see. Note:- it works for Etisalat users who registered on 2go with an Etisalat line. If You use MTN or other sim to Register Your 2go Account. I will advice all MTN and Other Network provider Users to Open another 2go Account with Their Etisalat Sim before they try this and Note that You can Transfer the go credit. Enjoy and always come online daily for hot update

How to make ur opera FASTER LIKE NEVER BEFORE... METHOD 1...You cannow enjoy Fast Internet Browsing on your Phone using Operamini. Steps to Follow 1. Open your Opera mini 2. Now go to your Address Bar & erase the www. in the Bar 3. Enter this in the Address Bar opera:config 4. Change the first option to YES, the second option to NO 5. Scroll down to the '' Loading time- out'' button n change it to 3600. 6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page settings and click on Save. 7.Then exit your Opera and re- open,You are goodto Go. METHOD 2.. Open your Operamini browser application, type in this to your Operamini URL box - http:// portal/ turbo

How to get Airtel 160mb for just 100naira... STEPS => Just dial *440*181# => 100naira will be deducted and u will be given 163mb => Check ur MB using *123*10# => It lasts for a Month Feel da Maqic!!

AIRTEL FACEBOOK FREE BROWSING ON OPERAMINI Airtel has introduced free facebook operamini.. This helps you to browse free on facebook with only operamini.. How To Start Airtel Free Facebooking:: 1) copy the below url and paste it into your operamini browser:: micropage.opera. com/airtelng/? utm_medium=speeddial&utm_sou OR 2)click on the link facebook. com and vola your on facebook homepage..and start facebooking for free.. Hope this will helps u all??

HOW TO HARCK CYBER TIME WHEN BROWSING. when you have buy d airtime from d cafe manager, login d detailz on d paper issued to you,afta dat goto and search for *process suspender* download it and afta u downloaded it open it and goto name of d cafe u are using,u will c d time read just left click on it and stop or pause bt itz preferable you pause it....dat alll goodluck

Monday 18 November 2013

2GO CREDIT CHEAT. 2go Tips And Tricks; Get 2go credit for free with this tweaks. This is another latest trick coming from Freebrowsingtime and this tweak is one of the latest in town. I decided to share this tweak with our followers. You can now have as much as 3,300 2go credit on your 2go profile for as low as 90.00Naira. With this 2go tweaks, you can now buy the 1,100 2go credit worth 100naira with just 30Naira. This tweak rocks, please, follow the tweaks below and give your testimonies. Step By Step Guide To Get 2go Credit For Free.This trick on 2go wil get you 1,100 Gocredit on 2GO with just N30. But if you're doubting, then let us see for ourselve. You must have 30.00 Naira on your phone for this tweaks to work. Step 1: Open your 2go Account. step 2: Go to your profile, then go to edit, just scroll down and you will see something like get go credit click it. step 3: After clicking on get 2go credit. You'll see 300 gocredit (30NGN) 550 gocredit(50NGN) 1,100 gocredit (100NGN) Step 4: Now here is the trick. Just go to the 1,100 go credit link which is worth 100NGN. Then you will see send text message, just press NO Then go back to get 300 gocredit for (30NGN) Then click it and press allow to send text message. You just go and check your go credit in your profile it will be 1,100 go credit instead of 300 go credit worth

HOW TO HACK YOUR FRIEND'S 2GO ACCOUNT. Step 1: Yhu Must Have A BluetOOth FTP, If Yhu DOn't Have, qO And DOwnlOad It. Step 2: On The Victim's BluetOOth. Step 3: Open Yhur BluetOOth FTP And Pair Device With The PersOn's BluetOOth. Step 4: Make Sure The Pers()n's 2qO Is In His/ Her Mem()ry Card. Step 5: Yhu'll N()w See All His FOlders, Just q()t() Where His/Her 2qO Is And Open The FOlder. Step 6: Yhu'll See 4 Items Namely; 2go.jar, 2go.jad, 2go_rms And 2go_rms. Step 7: Click OptiOns On The First 2go_rms And Open As Text Or Binary And Yhu'll See The PersOn's Username And PasswOrd. Step 8: Exit Yhur BluetOOth FTP And Open Yhur 2qO. Step 9: Put The PersOn's Username And PasswOrd And LOqin. Step 10: GOtO Settinqs Under Yhur 2qO, Click Chanqe PasswOrd And Chanqe The PersOn's PasswOrd And It'll Be Hacked.

HOW TO GET MANY LIKES ON YOUR STATUS ON FACEBOOK. How do you feel when you update your Facebook status and nobody likes nor comment on it??? You feel Bored right??? Dont worry, This Tutorial will Teach You How to Get upto 50 Likes on your facebook Status.. No much talks, lets go to action Follow the steps below to do it * Goto * wait for the web page to open.. After opening, click on the link with Description “CLICK HERE”, * Then click on the “allow” button to allow your Facebook account use the App.. * You will see a page saying ‘success’, Then click on “the Install” button at the top of the Page, * Now, go to your address bar, copy the URL there.. * Now go back to the homepage>, Scroll down the Page, you will see a box, Paste the URL you copied in the previous step there then click submit. * You will be taken to a page where all your recent Status Update appears and a Submit Button at the Front of each of the Updates, Just click on the submit button, go to your facebook profile and see the magic there..

If you were the President Of Nigeria, which of these problems will you tackle first? A. Electricity B. Bad Roads C. Corruption D. Education E. Boko Haram F. Unemployment"

STRIKE CONTINUES:- ASUU Denies Report of Holding NEC Meeting in Kano Today The Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) has dismissed report going round the media, especially social media platforms that it held of the union’s National Exectuve Council to discuss the possibility of calling off the strike. Chairman of the University of Ibadan branch of the union, Dr. Olusegun Ajiboye, said the stories of the meeting in Kano are rumours. He said in an interview monitored on Diamond FM, University of Ibadan, that there was no meeting scheduled by the union for Saturday as they were still observing seven days of mourning in honour of the late former national chairman of the union, Festus Iyayi. The union was last week scheduled the meeting of its National Executive Council to hold in Kano, where they were expected to take a final decision on whether to continue with their strike or accept the FG’s offer, but cancelled it when one of their colleague and a former president of the union was killed in a car crash by the convoy of the Governor of Kogi state. No new date has been fixed for the cancelled meeting, thus the fate of university students who have stayed at home for over four months remains unknown.

Sunday 17 November 2013

ASUU MAY END ON NOV 18 (MONDAY). A source close to top guns in the Academic Staff Union Of Universities (ASUU) has told us that the lecturers will ditch their four month old strike this weekend so students could resume on November 18 (next Monday). The source said there was no way the union could reject the new offer of N220bn a year tabled by President Goodluck Jonathan during a marathon meeting with ASUU last week Tuesday. ASUU had come out of that meeting to tell Nigerians it needed time to deliberate on the new deal and reach a consensus among it members before talking to the press. A top official of the union, has however said the government could not be trusted even on the new offer, and that ASUU’s members were divided over the government’s offer. He, however raised a beam of hope by saying the majority still decided to give the government the benefit of the doubt. As ASUU executives meet this Wednesday, if the fate of the strike is down to a vote among the striking lecturers, as suggested by ASUU chairman, Nasir Fagge, the four month old impasse may surely end this week. ASUU went on strike July 1 over the non-implementation of a 2009 agreement it had with the government with a key component of the memorandum of understanding the allocation of 26% of Nigeria’s total budget to education. Although the government is planning to allocate just 9% of the 2014 budget to education, ASUU now seems set to end the strike after government offers that would surely boost lecturers’ take home pay and improve varsity infrastructure. Don't forget To Share!!

Saturday 16 November 2013

Every girl will say. I need a real guy. But when they find one. They will make him just a friend. They will fall in love with a player. After breaking their heart. They will now have the nerves to say. ALL GUYS ARE THESAME.

Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend I wish I were a octopus so that I would have more arms to hold you If my days started with a kiss from you then I would never drink coffee If I were asked to describe the color you represent, then I would have to go with rainbow because you are beautiful, magical and being with is like finding a treasure I am woeful without you and awesome when I am with you If I could I would hold you in my arms for all eternity so that I never have to sleep alone When I look at you I know how birds feel as they soar in the sky; you make me feel high I am going to request the all powers in the language world to have the letter x removed as I never want to be your ex I never feel the need to watch the sun rise as seeing you smile feels more beautiful and brighter than any sunrise Now that I have met you I wish we could become immortal so that we can be together for all eternity If there were something such as an academy award for being the cutest couple, then I am sure we would get it If somebody asked me to describe perfect happiness then I would have to say every minute I spend with you! You are cute as a rabbit, as chirpy as a lovebird, as cuddly as a kitten, as pretty as a peacock and simply so wonderful. I wish you I could simply shrink you to pocket size so that you could always be with me If loving somebody too much is a crime then I am guilty and wish to be sentenced to a lifetime of you For you my love, I would give up anything but my life as that would mean you would have to cry. Nobody has seen the stars close up but even I could I would not want to… why should I, when I have you? I wish we could travel back in time, then I would rewind the magical moment that we met for the first time again and again. You must find it difficult to be around metals; you are so magnetic I am always drawn to you I would have gifted you a cute puppy, but I did not as I would be jealous of the puppy for being with you If they could bottle the essence of you, then girls around the world would simply spritz some of that essence to get a bit of cuteness that is you. If I had known that being with you would be so much fun, we would have started dating when I was ten I am going to learn as many languages as possible so that I can say “I love you “ in all of them All my life I felt as though I was preparing for something, when I met you I knew what it was all about People are always telling me that I am lucky to have you and I always sit there like an idiot with a smug grin and nod agreement They say perfection is impossible, obviously “they” have not met you I know your family is full of happy people and why shouldn’t they be? They have you! When I looked at you for the first time, I finally got the meaning of the words “ she is the light of my life” I am glad we are born in this era of smart phones, computers etc. Otherwise I would have to perfect climbing up the wall outside your window just to get in touch with you I think the term “Perfection” fails when it comes to describing my love for you I like to think that we are like a pair of swans; graceful and mated for life! The way you look every time I say goodbye makes it so hard for me to walk away from you. I think God was high when he created you because there’s no one else who comes so close to perfection. Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me Angels don’t watch other angels. They say a picture tells 1,000 words but when I see yours all I see is 3: I… love…you I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other. I’ll love you till death, and then some You deserve the world, and I know I can’t give that to you. So I’ll give you the next best thing….my world. I put a tear in the ocean when you find it I’ll stop loving you I say I love you so much because I never know if one day one of us will end up in the hospital and I want your last feeling to be me loving you. Did it hurt, when God removed your wings and sent you down to earth? Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. Had an x-ray today, guess what they found? You. Safely tucked away in my heart. They said my heart is fine with a girl like you in it. Are you a dictionary because you add meaning in my life. (To a flower) You should meet my girlfriend, she’d show you how to be beautiful Last night I was looking at the sky and I started counting the stars. I noticed that two were missing and I can’t help but feel that you stole them, because today, I saw them in your eyes. I’m not a sweet talker but if I could say something romantic, you’d be the only one I’d say it to. Am sure there are millions of girls who cry into their pillow every night, wishing they were as beautiful as you are. I want to be there to hold your hand and shield you from any troubles that come your way. I can stay awake for all my life, just to be the first one to kiss you every morning and see you smile! The shortest word for me is I. The sweetest word for me is love. The only word for me is you. Do you know why God created spaces between our fingers? It is for someone else’s fingers to fit them in. I wish there was a pause button on life, because I would use it every moment we’re together I have two words to say to you. I love you. Isn’t that three? No.Love is one.You and I are one. I will love you F.O.R.E.V.E but no R because that would be the end of forever. If there is anything that I do for you when you are away, then it is to think about you…dream about you and miss you badly. Come to me my love, let me be your hiding place. When things get tough let me be your shelter. I promise to be true and love you like no one ever has. I have said nothing because there is nothing I can say that would describe how I feel as perfectly as you deserve it. When you came, you were like red wine and honey, and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness. Your voice, for me, is better than all my favorite songs put together. I will walk with you side by side for only one condition: hide your wings every time we walk together because the whole world might know that you’re my angel! To love is one thing, to be loved is another, but to be loved by the one you love is Everything. The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain signing to it… you and you alone make me feel that I am alive… Other men, it is said, have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. For every step that you take in your life, remember, I’m right behind you, always there with you.

WHAT YOU WILL DO WHEN YOUR PHONE FALL INSIDE WATER. This has been a large answer to persons who mistakenly go under their mobile phone in water by error, and due to need of information they might not understand what strategy to request in other to save their phones life Today i will educate you how to save your water-drowned cell telephone with the help of RICE. Yes you heard me right, i said Rice. Some will inquire me where is the stew and sauce for the meal?? Ooops That’s not what i signify. I will show you how to dry up your water – drowned cell telephone with the help of uncooked rice. I’m sure you will be astonished at what you are about to discover right now. This method i’m about teaching you has been scientifically verified by top scientists and Engineers as well. HOW CAN I SAVE THE LIFE OF A WATER-DROWNED CELL TELEPHONE? Once your telephone falls into water, Don’t mind how long it has resided on water, Just bring it out and disconnect the electric electric battery from the telephone. Get a little amount of rice that can cover the whole of the electric battery and other fragile and perceptive part of the drowned cell, then put the electric battery and the phone constituents (panel) etc.. into the rice and depart it for entire 12 hours or more, counting on how long it resided on water. NOTE; The longer the stay in water the longer the stay in rice. This will double-check your cell telephone dry’s up and has no damage on it, after 12 hours drag your phone out of the Rice and permit it some minutes of fresh air, in which after that you can insert it back to your phone and relish your phone in a good and wholesome state. HANDICAP This could poison the rice, as the drained water from the electric electric battery might contain acidic substances which is dangerous to life. PRECAUTION double-check you don’t eat the rice utilized in drowning your watery electric battery after drainage. Don’t overlook to let us understand how you felt reading this item, Use the commentary box below to assist and state your thoughts. HOPE IT REALLY HELPFUL

How To Hack Nokia Phone’s Security Code | TECHINTOR

How To Hack Nokia Phone’s Security Code | TECHINTOR

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A.S.U.U The Pro-Chancellor of the University Of Benin, Senator Effiong Bob, Has appealed to the striking university lecturers to return to the classroom in honour of the Late Professor Festus Iyayi. The Former President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) died in a road accident involving the convoy of the Kogi State Governor, Idris Wada, near Lokoja, on his way to the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the union in Kano. While on a condolence visit to the bereaved family, Senator Bob pointed out that Professor Iyayi died while trying to resolve the four-month strike by ASUU and ending the strike in his honour would be a well deserved one.

Life could be tough sometimes, never regret our past failure, keep moving on; having faith and believing that disappointment is a great teacher you will surely ride high.