Sunday 8 December 2013

ASUU dares FG as Deadline Expires Today Striking members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) Sunday vowed not to resume work despite the federal government’s ultimatum that they should do so by today or risk losing their jobs. The federal government had last week shifted the deadline for the resumption of the teachers, who have been on strike since July from last Wednesday to today. However, the union has remained adamant, insisting that its members would not go back to work, despite the threat as the government is not towing the line that would resolve the crisis. The union again added that it would not resume work until its demands as agreed with President Goodluck Jonathan at the November 4 meeting are all met. The All Progressives Congress has however told the federal government to take responsibility for prolonging the strike, adding that it should do the needful to end the industrial action by the university teachers. A member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of ASUU confided in THISDAY that the position of the union has not changed on the issue, notwithstanding the threat by the government. He said: “Yes, a lot of our members voted that the strike should be called off, only if those conditions are met. We have insisted that the agreement be produced into a binding document. Why is that a big deal if the government is serious? That Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a tradition anytime a strike is to be called off, between the two parties. This is a document that would be followed by the two parties. Nobody has done that, no instruction has been given. “Finally, we asked that the non-victimisation clause be addedto the MoU. Whenever we undergo any strike,we expect that our members should retrieve whatever they lost during any strike. That has been the practice throughout history. We do not want another strike in the next few months concerning the salary arrears of all academic staff in the universities. That clause should be in the MoU.” Reacting to comments credited to the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs, Dr. Doyin Okupe, that the N200 billion infrastructure revitalisation fund had already been deposited with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the ASUU official said the claim was left for pro-chancellors and the National Universities Commission (NUC) to verify as ASUU was not in position to do so. Another ASUU official told THISDAY that the re- opening of some schools such as University of Abuja, Enugu State University and several others does not in any way affect the strike. He said as far as the union is concerned, all ASUU members across Nigeria were on strike and would not teach. “The managements of the schools say they have re- opened, but is any lecture going on? ASUU does not close schools anyway, we can only suspend our services,” he said. TheNUC had last week clarified that the resumption order did not necessarily mean lectures would commence immediately. Briefing journalists in Abuja last Tuesday, the Executive Secretary, Prof. Julius Okojie, said some steps had to be taken before lectures could resume fully. He noted that the school environments would have to be put back in shape as reptiles may have taken over some places, and the Senate of each institution has to revisit the academic calendar. Okojie had also explained that the demands for salary arrears by ASUU could only be considered when the members of the union return to work, as some may have left the system during the strike. Those who resume work would receive their salary arrears, he added. The government on November 28, at a press conference addressed by the supervising Minister of Education, Chief Nyesom Wike, had issued an ultimatum to the striking members of the union, after accusing the union of presenting fresh demands. “…Any academic staff who failsto resume on or before the 4th of December, 2013 automatically ceases to be a staff of the institution and, Vice Chancellors are also directed to advertise vacancies (internal and external) in their institutions. The NUC is hereby directed to monitor compliance of these directives by the institutions” he said. The union, however at a press conference addressed by its National President, Dr. Nasir Fagge, last Monday, said it was not bothered by the threat. It also refuted claims by Wike that it presented fresh demands. Faggeexplained that the union was only seeking for theconsolidation of the agreements reached at the end of the 13-hour meeting with President Jonathan. The government, barely 24 hours to the expiration of the initial deadline, had shifted the deadline to today to enable the teachers participate in the funeral of a former ASUU President, Prof. Festus Iyayi, who died while on his way to Kano to attend a meeting of the union. Source: ThisDay Newspaper

WHY LATE NELSON MANDELA IS IN HELL BY JIM SOLOUKI AND MARTIN BAKER. Greetings True Christians! Today Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, ended his worldly life and entered the depths of Hell. Mandela was an unsaved heathen, and died without knowing the Lord. Not only did Mandela influence American Democrat Barack Hussein Obama, but he also practiced a heathen African tribal religion. Unfortunately, while Mandela did some great things for the nation of South Africa by ending apartheid, Heaven is like an exclusive club, unsaved unwelcome. Mandela died unsaved, and is therefore not welcome in Heaven. Nelson Mandela was also influenced by Darwinism and Communism! Mandela was an avid reader of Marx in the 1950s, and everybody knows that God hates Communists! Mandela allied himself with Communists and heathen Indian Gandhi, who is also in Hell. Instead of seeking a Christian approach to freedom from apartheid, Mandela instead turned entirely to heathens. In fact, Mandela and Gandhi even are rumored to have engaged in rampant homosexual acts with each other while planning protests! Mandela was also friendly toward Muslims, God’s hated people! Mandela was linked to the American Civil Rights movement, and many members of this movement were Muslims. Know what the Muslims did after they got African Americans equal rights? They crashed airplanes into buildings and started sectarian wars in the Middle East. Nelson Mandela was allied with these heathen scum, and is now being punished for his earthly mistakes. Tonight I watched many news stations. On every channel, they showed Africans lining the streets of South Africa, doing happy dappy heathen dances, perhaps in hopes that the voodoo rain god might look with favor upon the soul of Mandela. Unfortunately, these savages are of the same cloth as Mandela. Nelson Mandela may have been a great AFRICAN nature, but by world standards, he was rather lacking. But alas, this is the best that Africa can do. Africa is a heathen continent filled with heathens, and it is no wonder that God allowed the people of Africa to be enslaved. I implore those Africans still living to reject the sinful ways of Nelson Mandela and embrace Christianity so that they might not follow Mandela into Hell. Let us pray for the Africans, out of love. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please lead the Africans away from heathen religions and to You. Please lead the Africans to Christianity so that they may stop being punished with AIDS, poverty, and dirty water, and so that they may avoid the fate of Nelson Mandela and avoid being cast into hell. This we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. A heartfelt Christian messages from your friends, Jim Solouki and Martin Baker

Tuesday 3 December 2013

FG Bows To ASUU, N200b Paid Into CBN Barely twenty four hours to the expiration of the 4 December ultimatum Federal Government gave members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to resume classes or be sacked, the federal government this morning bowed to one of the demands of the lecturers by paying N200 billion into an account opened with the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN. Disclosing this on Channels Television programme ‘Sunrise Daily’ this morning, Dr.Doyin Okupe, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs confirmed that the N200b demanded by ASUU to be paid into an account with the CBN has been done. The amountis meant for renewal of infrastructure facilities in public universities in the country. But ASUU President, Dr. Nasir Fage Isa, accused the government of being insincere in its dealing with the striking lecturers. He urged the government to respond to its letter demanding the fulfillment of some conditions for it to call off the strike. Okupe said that from the government’s perspective, everything that needs to be done has been done and whether the strike would be called off or not now lies in the hands of the leadership of ASUU. He said that most of the demands of the Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities, ASUU, have been agreed upon at the 13-hour meeting they had with the President in October. “At the end of that meeting, the Government proposed that everything that has been agreed should be put in a memorandum of agreement and that the two parties should sign, but the leadership of ASUU declined and said instead of that, they would rather have a letter of comfort expressing everything that hasbeen resolved therein, and that will suffice for them.” According to him, the Government agreed to their request and issued the said letter based on the agreementthat the strike would be called off within 7 days. However, this did not happen “in spite of the fact that the ASUU leadership presented the letter of comfort to its chapters nationwide and a clear majority of them endorsed the resolutions reached and actually were more inclined towards calling off the strike.” Dr. Okupe stressed that the attitude of the ASUU leadership showed that the seed of discord and evidence of bad faith already existed. “It is unfortunate that somebody died but notwithstanding, that cannot be a justification for delaying the implementation of an agreement for 21 or more days. Reading from the ‘Letter of Comfort’ issued by the Federal Government in agreement with the leadership of ASUU, the government agreed that Nigerian universities must be revitalized for effective service delivery, all the provisions in the agreement and MoU for the revitalization shall be fully implemented as captured in the 2012 Needs Assessment and the Federal Government shall mobilize resource towards this goal. “Based on this, it was also agreed that a sum of N1.3 trillion shall be made available to ASUU over the next six years starting from December 2013 with (the sum of) N200 billion. The FGN therefore request that the ASUU shall within 7 days call off its 4 month strike.” Contrary to the Federal Government’s expectation that ASUU would call off the strike, ASUU in another document said that they “could not call off the strike because of certain uncertainties or gaps that are evident in the government’s report.” Okupe asked fiercely, “what are these uncertainties? He accused ASUU of turning around to again state four new conditions for the strike to be called off. They demanded that the agreed N200 billion should be deposited in an account at the Central Bank within 2 weeks, while the negotiation of the 2009 agreement should be included in the final document. The ASUU, according to Okupe also demanded that a non-victimization clause should be included as well as a new MoU signed by the Attorney-General. Dismissing their requests, he said a demand for a memorandum is a waste of people’s time because this is ideally what should follow any agreement made between two parties in the first place, and that by International Labour Laws which Nigeria is guided by, no one is expected to be victimized for going on strike. He also said that ASUU, asking that the MoU with Federal Government should be signed by the Attorney- General “does not make sense” because anyone of high standing in government can sign for it. Headded that an account has already been opened for the N200 billion they are requesting for in the Central Bank. Okupe added that the government has shown commitment by meeting with the leadership of ASUU, and agreeing to its demands, considering that previous governments did not give them such an opportunity to sit down and discuss. He called on ASUU to do the right thing for the benefit of the nation. “The Government cannot be seen to be contesting with any sector of the economy or the country. This President is interested in moving Nigeria forward through a very well- articulated transformation agenda.” Source: PMNews

Monday 2 December 2013

ASUU Strike: FUTO calls Students back to School Amids Controversy Authorities of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri yesterday released a press statement calling her students back to school as academic activities were scheduled to resume immediately. Below is the full press release; The Senate of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri at its 375 Extraordinary meeting held on Monday, December 2, 2013 considered the directive of the Federal Government on resumption of duty by Academic Staff in Federal Universities and decided that academic activities in the University should resume immediately for the conclusion of the 2012/2013 Rain Semester. Consequently all students of the University are required to return to campus between Monday December 2, and Friday December 8, 2013 while Rain Semester Examinations commence on Monday December 9, 2013 and end on Saturday December 21, 2013. Accordingly, all academic staff are required to proceed immediately to their respective Departments to sign in for resumption of duty not later than Wednesday December 4, 2013. Signed: Orje Ishegh-Nor Registrar/Secretary to the Senate Meanwhile, the FUTO chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) had a congress meeting where they unanimously agreed never to succumb to any threat by both FG and the university administration to call of the strike or begin exams.

High Heels and Your HEALTH High heels are not a fad it has turned into a never ending fashion in recent era. As you could see a propelling sea of woman’s every day wearing such heels all the time. Why is it so? Why woman cannot do without high heels? Even after having realized that wearing mere pumps leave their feet in painful condition then why don’t they realize the grave consequences of wearing high heels. It is a sad fact, alas, majority of the women do not realize this, as a result, put their feet on stake and up for a long lasting impact. Why Women Wear High Heels? This is one such question which should be answered in order to rationalize this choice of a woman; because doctors and researchers have been shouting out loud about the demerits of wearing high heels but it seems like women are not paying heed to them. Therefore, it is important for us to understand, why? One major reason out of many is, women wear high heels to be noticeable positively They also do so to exude their self-confidenceor to boost up their self esteem Apart from that, it makes a woman look taller and hence, also qualifies as a lucrative height increasing option for short heighted women Moreover, high heels effect a woman’s posture in such a way that it ultimately accentuates the feminine look of a woman and makes her look more stunning Last but not the least, another reason behind the popularity of these high heels is that they make a person look thinner than usual By keeping the above reasons in mind, we could say that women put themselves in pain just because of few ugly norms and behaviors in society; which, like to see and prefer a confident feminine side of a woman. As a result, women seek their hide out in high heels without giving a second thought to all the painful consequences which they will have to bear later on. Having considered all these in mind, now we are going to shed some light on the grave consequences of high heels by pinpointing their side-effects. Side Effects of Wearing High Heels Heals, though, lure ladies into an abyss of high confidence and that is the main reason behind them opting out for high heels at most of the occasions but one can simply not deny the side effects of wearing high heels due to this rationale. Being a woman, you should need to know that: Your feet act as a shock absorber or as a weight disturber of entire body and when you wear heels, you shift all that mass on mere balls and toes of your feet as a result they get affected substantially The higher the heels the more dreadful are the circumstances for a woman’s feet; you lose your natural walk and become prey of staccato motion as a result of abrupt transition of toes and eventually, you also end up damaging your nerves High heels also put your ankles in a position which restricts the smooth circulation of blood in your lower limbs. Apart from that, it also leaves long lasting impact on your Achilles tendons Continuous wearing of high heels shorten the growth of calf tendons and ankles as a result you have to walk painfully all the time Osteoarthritis is another side effect of wearing high heels; it triggers because of the increase in stress on your knees Moreover, the adverse effects of high heels could also be felt on outer hip muscles and tendons due to the confident posture which you have to wear in high heels Another thing which gets affected by high heels in your body is your spinal cord; heels make you swing and also your spine in accord with the tread but this swaying is unnatural and causes adversities in your back. Due to this, you could suffer from sore lower backbone Further you could also suffer from hammer toes due to these killer heels because 1 out of every 3rd heel wearer woman suffers from this ailment High heels also increase the probability of you falling over your knees and have them broken or sprained in result A bony enlargement can also appear at the back of your heel due to wearing such shoes which are not only high in heels but also have tight straps Recapitulating, high heels though make you look extremely confident and add an extra zest to your appearance but you should not wear them all the time and you also need to bear in mind that higher heels cause you more damage. Therefore, it is necessary to stick to the intermittent use of high heels for a shorter period of time and also try to wear not more than 1.5 inch heels else your Achilles tendon would go shorter and eventually, cause you unbearable trouble.